Book Review — Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Amy was a bright, outgoing girl before a terrible incident in the past wrecked havoc on her life. Detached from her family and friends, Amy finds solace being on her own, far from the pitying eyes of the society. But when she is forced to drive  from California to Connecticut, her new home, Amy is paralysed with fear at the thought of having to drive again. At her mother’s assurance that Roger Sullivan, son of a family friend will be accompanying her on the trip, she hesitantly agrees. Relieved that she doesn’t have to drive yet uncomfortable with spending so much time in the company of a stranger, Amy doesn’t know what to expect from this seemingly boring road trip. What Amy & Roger discover together during this trip is an eye opener for both. This contemporary novel by author Morgan Matson spins a lovely and charming tale about an individual’s quest to self discovery, celebration of life and much more.

I don’t read a lot of emotional books. So I wasn’t sure if I would finish this one. I only picked it up for the road trip aspect and needless to say after having finished it I realize that its so much more than just about a road trip. The story was so heart rending and truly enjoyable. Amy, in the beginning, seemed so much like an introvert that it was hard to believe she had led a life of parties and social interactions. The situation with her family is a little disheartening. I wish they had been more united against the traumatic incident so as to be able to console one another and stay strong. Nevertheless, the people she meets during the journey, her experiences shared along with the kind advice from Roger helped her recover from a burden she had been long since carrying. In a way I think everything was perfect in the novel. Its like how little pieces come together to form a lovely big picture. Roger on the other hand, despite dealing with his own troubles, is a great companion. He is straightforward and doesn’t hide his story from Amy. Though there wasn’t much on their romantic relationship, it was just the right amount. Because even the little time that they were together was essential to what had to happen. I absolutely loved it and you should give it a try. Plus you learn loads about different states in US, with the help of all the photos in the scrapbook and the author’s vivid description.

Ratings – 4 stars on 5.


Published by Meera Nair

A 27 year-old freelance Content Writer, who spends all her free time ensconced in the pages of a book or writing to her heart's content about topics that excite the creative spirit in her.

4 thoughts on “Book Review — Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

  1. Ooh! I loved this book. But then I usually do go for the ’emotional type’ of books.

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