Book Review — Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella

Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella is a book based on the protagonist, Emma Corrigan, and her dire inability to control her tongue. More than often she lands herself in big trouble. One plane ride, drunk and absolutely in no control of her senses, she blurts out every single secret of hers to the passenger sitting beside her. Later, in a more sober state, she is horrified at the blunder she made. As a human, naturally she tries to justify the mistake by thinking that its not as if she would meet that person again. Wishful thinking that was! The Gods seem to have something else in mind for her. When she finds out that the “stranger” is none other than her new boss, she is utterly humiliated. How is she to ever face him, especially when he knows every embarrassing detail that she even hid from her bestfriend?!

I love Sophie Kinsella. Everybody knows what a FAB job she did on the Shopaholic series. What’s not to love about her books?! This one is just as fantastic as all the others. Its a light, girly, rom-com read. Emma Corrigan is a bubbly character with a wee bit of self-esteem issue. As in she is keeps dwelling on her problems and drowning in self pity. But then again, it gets a little hard to switch on the positivity when you think your parents prefer your cousin over you. So its understandable. She is also the kind of person to say a lie than speak the bitter truth just so as to please the other person. So one by one, all that keeps piling up and she is soon entangled in a web of lies. The book was hilarious, down right to the ROFL moments. I couldn’t help laughing out loud a lot throughout the book. You can totally relate to Emma’s thoughts (at times!), they are quite amusing! The author has portrayed her character well as a city girl who loves branded goods and works to have a good social standing among her colleagues. I did pity Emma. A lot. Its not fair how her parents treat her as if she is some third wheel. They totally stab at her sense of belonging, making her feel like an outsider. On purpose or not, they should’ve been more supportive of her.
Then we have the handsome “stranger” who is privy to Emma’s deepest darkest secrets. Jack Harper, being the male lead of this novel, is a gallant and amiable character. He may appear to be all authoritative as the CEO but there is also playful side to him. He is the helping hand that Emma reaches out to.
Overall, its a good book. I liked it. You should read it if you haven’t. 🙂

Ratings – 4 stars on 5.


Published by Meera Nair

A 27 year-old freelance Content Writer, who spends all her free time ensconced in the pages of a book or writing to her heart's content about topics that excite the creative spirit in her.

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